Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

March 28 - Friday
PBC Game Night - 6 PM to 8 PM
Bring your favorite game and snacks to share
April 19 - Saturday
Men's Breakfast & Ladies Bible Study - 9:00 AM
Breakfast, Fellowship, & Time in God's Word
April 20 - Sunday
Resurrection Sunday
Come celebrate the Resurrection of our Saviour
April 20 - Sunday
Resurrection Day Candy Scramble
Resurrection Day Candy Scramble
May 2 - Friday
PBC goes to Loons Baseball in Midland @ 7:05 pm
Cost TBA - the bus will be running to and from the game
May 10 - Saturday
Men's Breakfast & Ladies Bible Study - 9:00 AM
Breakfast, Fellowship, & Time in God's Word
May 11 - Sunday
Special Mother's Day Service at PBC
Mothers in attendance get honored and are given a gift
May 16 - 17 (Friday & Saturday)
Men's Retreat @ Camp Michael - Donation appreciated
Camp starts at noon and gets out at noon the next day
June 7 - Saturday
PBC Church Picnic at Bigalow Park - bring dish to pass
MI Free Fishing Day - Food, Fishing, Fun, and Fellowship!
June 15 - Sunday
Special Fathers Day Service at PBC
Fathers in attendance get honored and are given a gift
June 21 - Saturday
Men's Breakfast & Ladies Bible Study - 9:00 AM
Breakfast, Fellowship, & Time in God's Word
June 21 - July 5
Fill America Tract Campain - Win the Lost for Christ
For more information go to fillamerica.org
July 5 - Saturday
Church Cleaning Day - Pizza will be provided for volunteers
Cathy will have a list of annual cleaning tasks
July 13 - Sunday
Old Fashioned Sunday - bring a dish to pass
Dress old fashion, play old fashioned games, turnaround service
July 19 - Saturday
Men's Breakfast & Ladies Bible Study - 9:00 AM
Breakfast, Fellowship, & Time in God's Word
August 16 - Saturday
Men's Breakfast & Ladies Bible Study - 9:00 AM
Breakfast, Fellowship, & Time in God's Word
August 30 - September 13
Fill America Tract Campain - Win the Lost for Christ
For more information go to fillamerica.org
September 12 - 13
Ladies Retreat at Camp Michael - Friday into Saturday
Retreat goes from 12 to 12 (24hrs) - donations appreciated
Spetember 20 - Saturday
Men's Breakfast & Ladies Bible Study - 9:00 AM
Breakfast, Fellowship, & Time in God's Word
September 21-24
Missions Conference at PBC - Sunday through Tuesday
Guest Speaker and Missionaries speaking
September 22 - Monday
Missions Banquet after the Evening Service - dish to pass
Food and missions presentation - Get to know the missionaries
September 23 - Tuesday
Last night of the Missions Conference - Midweek Service
No Midweek Service on Wed 24th - it was moved to Tues. 23rd
October 4 - Saturday
Decorate for Veterans Sunday - pizza provided for volunteers
10 am to decorate indoors and outdoors
October 6 - Monday
Old School Gathering in Kinross, MI - leaving 9 am to midnight
Donations for transportation appreciated - no cost for conference
October 18 - Saturday
Men's Breakfast & Ladies Bible Study - 9:00 AM
Breakfast, Fellowship, & Time in God's Word
October 27-18 (Mon. & Tues.)
Church Triumphant at FBC of Bridgeport - no cost
Come to all of the conference or just part of it
November 9
Veterans Sunday - Special Speaker Veteran Tom Vogel
No Sunday School - Special Service starts @ 11 am - 12:15 pm
November 19 - Wednesday
Annual Church Business meeting - after the Wed. Service
Conduct all annual church business at this time
November 25 - Tuesday
Move Midweek Service from Wednesday to Tuesday
Special Thanksgiving Service Tuesday @ 7 pm.
November 29 - Saturday
Decorate auditorium and outside for Christmas time
Pizza provided for all volunteers - 10 am
December 6 - 20
Fill America Tract Campain - Win the Lost for Christ
For more information go to fillamerica.org
December 7 - Sunday
Church Christmas Party & Turnaround Service
Dish to pass, Christmas Story, Games, Evening Service @ 2pm
December 24 - Wednesday
Christmas Candlelight Service - the special service begins @ 7
Candles, Christmas Singing, and a Biblical look at Christmas
December 31 - Wednesday
New Years Party after the Evening Service - Service @ 7
Dish to pass, Games, skits, prizes, and pray the New Year in!