Come Visit Us!

We’re glad you have been visiting our website and are planning to visit our church family for a church service! We pray that you will enjoy the friendly atmosphere, Christ-honoring spirit and that the service is a blessing to you!

If you’ve never visited our church before, you no doubt have questions. We’ll try to answer some of them right here.

What are each of the services like?

Sunday School: Our Sunday School classes are a time of learning and are designed to bring the Bible to life in a fun and exciting way. The goal is to understand God’s Word better and be reminded of its truths to help us have victory and joy through life . The classes begin at 10:00 a.m. and lasts approximately 45 minutes. We have classes for all ages. Each teacher gears their class to promote an environment of learning.

Morning Worship service: Our morning worship service is an exciting time of singing and passionate Bible preaching. This service begins at 11:00 a.m. and lasts approximately one hour. Junior Church is provided for children sixth grade and below. Junior Church is a great way for young people to learn and grow in an exciting environment designed to promote spiritual growth.

Evening Worship service: For the evening service, we meet at 6:00 p.m. This service also lasts about one hour. We have a time to praise the Lord for all the gospel tracts passed out and opportunities to share the gospel. This is also a time of singing praises to God and preaching from the Word of God.

Wednesday Bible Study: Our Wednesday evening Bible Study begins at 7:00 p.m. and lasts about one hour. It is a time of singing, Bible study, prayer requests, and prayer. We also have a Missionary Update Moment towards the beginning of the service.

What type of clothes do people usually wear to your services?

We do not have a dress code. We want to welcome you and are simply glad you’ve chosen to be with us! We also believe that when we come to church, we are coming before our Maker and God (Matthew 18:20), Who is worthy of our best. Although, we do not want you to avoid visiting with us because you are concerned about what to wear. We are excited that you have decided to visit with us!

What type of clothes does the preacher wear?

The preacher is almost always in a tie and suit jacket.

What type of music will I find in the service?

Our congregational singing is from a hymnbook. We are both traditional and conservative in the choice of hymns and choruses we sing. Our congregational singing is accompanied exclusively by piano and organ.

What to expect during the service?

  • NURSERY – We invite all parents to put their children, ages birth to three years old, into the nurseries. We have a loving, well-trained staff to care for your children. Our ushers are happy to assist you.
  • VISITOR CARD – It’s always a pleasure to have guests at PBC! Please fill out the Visitor Card, and place it in the offering plate. This allows us to have a record of your visit and allows us to serve you better.
  • SINGING – We sing from a hymnal which is available in all the pews.
  • OFFERING – We invite you to place your Visitor Card in the offering plate as the Usher walks by. We do not want anyone to feel pressure to give although you may if God lays it on your heart.
  • PREACHING – Pastor will share from the Word of God with clarity and compassion so you never have to wonder how to apply what you’ve heard. The goal is for you to leave feeling loved, challenged to grow, and refreshed.
  • BIBLE – Pastor preaches from the KJV Bible. You are welcome to bring your own Bible. A KJV Bible is available to use during the service if you do not have one.
  • INVITATION – At the close of the service, the invitation is our opportunity to respond to what God has done in our hearts. You are welcome to come forward and pray or speak with someone about any spiritual questions you may have.
  • BAPTISM is our first opportunity after salvation to display our obedience to God. Baptism is an outward display of my belief in the Gospel.

Times and Locations

Service Times
9:00 am Sunday school
10:00 am Morning church service
6:00 pm Evening church service

7:00 pm Bible study

Service Locations
Main Auditorium
701 W. Midland Street
Bay City, MI 48706

Still have questions?

If you still have questions for us, we’d be happy to answer them either by email or phone – 989-684-7276.

We look forward to meeting you at the next service!


Peoples Baptist Church
701 W. Midland St.
Bay City, MI 48706

We are located on the west side of Bay City, just 2-1/2 miles east of I-75 (exit 162A).

Service Times

Sunday School – 10:00 A.M.
Morning Service – 11:00 A.M.
Evening Service – 6:00 P.M.

Bible Study & Prayer Service – 7:00 P.M.

Upcoming Events

Church Facebook Page