Sunday School
Sunday School begins at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday Morning.
We have classes for all ages.
Adult Class – Pastor Willman
This class meets in the auditorium and is taught by our Pastor. Each week, a Bible lesson is prepared to teach wonderful truths from God’s Word.

Teen Class – Ages 13-17 – Jason Bickel

5th – 6th Grade – Mr. & Mrs. Gary Voelker

4th Grade – Mrs. Jo Arnett

3rd Grade – Mrs. Christina Fitrakis
1st – 2nd Grade – Mrs. Dorothy Lynn

Ages 3 – Kindergarten – Mrs. Tracy Mullins

Our teachers are equipped with outstanding Bible lessons and hands-on materials to make the truths of the Bible come alive for your child. There is Scripture memory and activity books to apply the Bible lesson in a practical way.